Power Rangers (2017) Full Movie
A group of warriors on prehistoric Earth, the Power Rangers, were tasked with protecting life on Earth and the Zeo Crystal. However, the Green Ranger, Rita Repulsa, betrays them. The Red Ranger, Zordon, takes the Rangers' power source, the Power Coins, and hides them while ordering his assistant Alpha 5 to perform a meteor strike which kills Zordon, sends Rita to the bottom of the sea, and destroys the dinosaurs.
In modern Angel Grove, football star Jason Scott is thrown off the team and placed under house arrest after a failed prank. He is sent to detention, encountering Billy Cranston and Kimberly Hart.
Jason and Billy head to an abandoned gold mine to explore. Billy
detonates explosives to destroy some rock, attracting the attention of
Kimberly and fellow students Trini Kwan and Zack Taylor.
The five discover the Power Coins just as the police arrive to
investigate. While escaping, their car is hit by a train. The five find
themselves at home the next day, and discover they have been granted
superhuman abilities. Elsewhere, Rita's body is found. Upon awakening,
she goes on a rampage, taking every piece of gold that she can find in
order to raise her minion Goldar to find the Zeo Crystal.
The five teenagers return to the mine, discover an ancient spaceship,
and meet Alpha 5 and Zordon's consciousness. They inform the teenagers
about the original Rangers and about Rita, warning them that they have
11 days until Rita has her full power and finds the Zeo Crystal and uses
it to destroy all life on Earth. The five teens leave the ship with no
intention of returning until Zordon pleads with Jason to convince the
team to prepare for Rita's oncoming attack.
The new Rangers return to train the next day, but they cannot morph.
They spend the next week training against simulated Putties and
unsuccessfully trying to morph. In an attempt to inspire the Rangers and
get them to morph, Alpha reveals the Zords.
Zack takes his Zord out for a joyride, and almost kills the other
Rangers when he crashes it into the cave where they train. This angers
Jason and they get into a fist fight. In trying to separate the two,
Billy spontaneously morphs into his battle armor. However, when Zack
touches him, it disappears. Angered at their lack of progress, Zordon
dismisses the group. Jason returns to the ship to confront Zordon and
discovers that once the Rangers morph, it will open up the Morphing Grid
and allow Zordon to restore himself in a physical body. Feeling
betrayed, Jason accuses Zordon of using the team for his own benefit.
That night, the team camp out at the mine above the ship and bond with
each other.
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