Gifted (2017) Full Movie

Gifted is an upcoming 2017 American drama film directed by Marc Webb and stars Chris Evans, Mckenna Grace, Lindsay Duncan, Jenny Slate and Octavia Spencer. The film is scheduled to be released in select theaters on April 7, 2017, by Fox Searchlight Pictures, followed by a general release on April 21

In a small town in central Florida, seven-year-old Mary shows remarkable mathematical talent on her first day of school. She is offered a scholarship to a private school for gifted children but her uncle turns it down. It emerges that Mary's mother had been a promising mathematician, dedicated to the Navier–Stokes problem (one of the Millennium Prize Problems) before committing suicide when Mary was six months old. Since then her uncle Frank has acted as Mary's de facto guardian. Believing that his sister would want Mary to experience a "normal" childhood, Frank is adamant that Mary be enrolled in regular public school. However, she somehow has already mastered advanced calculus before first grade. Frank's mother (Mary's grandmother) seeks custody in the Florida courts, believing that Mary is a "one-in-a-billion" mathematical prodigy who should be specially tutored in preparation for a life devoted to mathematics.

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